Zemi Beach House Resort & Spa. I had the honour of designing and creating via Alloyds quite a bit of the pieces that add to the asthenic of this new 5 star hotel in Anguilla.
Square cork coasters the entire property. These have the Zemi Beach House Logo engraved on them and are used at all of the hotels restaurants, lounges and bars.
Zemi Beach House Spa locker keychains. The are made of maple wood. Laser engraved and laser cut and used in the Zemi Thai House Spa.
Leather menu folders for The In house directory, The Rhum Room, STONE Restaurant and the House Wine List.
The Wooden menus for 20 Knots Restaurant, House Cocktail list and the Zemi Thai House Menus.
Maple Name Tags and Pins. The name tags are used mostly for the staff members in the Heart of the House while the pins are used for the staff member in the front of the house.
The Hotel Do Not Disturb Signs. They are made from cherry wood.
Custom Wet Floor Signage.
In room NO Smoking signs, make from cherry wood.
Leather Room keycard holders.
Logo Stamp
Glossy blue Oxford folders engraved with logo. These are used for guest check in information.
Limestone Award with logo. This was a token one for one of the hotels Managers who resigned.
Custom Zemi Beach House Holiday Ornament.